
By Amelia Perez

The long-awaited reopening of our store: back to personalized attention and charming anecdotes

With the long days of confinement over, I am preparing to open our little shop. I am very grateful for the orders that have been placed online during the time we have been closed to the public, but I am made of flesh and blood and I miss serving you in person. I must admit that it has been almost 16 years since I broke my usual routine of opening to the public on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. I love my job and I feel privileged whenever customers come from all over interested in seeing my creations.

Washbasin at the entrance, ready for the reopening of the Los Jabones de Mi Mujer store in Santiuste de Pedraza, Segovia.

The antique washbasin and basin take centre stage in our shop.

Hearing the bell ring and approaching the door to open it is a moment of anticipation. At this time of year, I also have to be especially attentive since I spend a lot of time in the garden. When I open the door, I almost always find new smiles, other times I get a surprise from a regular customer, and the occasional surprise visit from friends. Once inside, I try to make the visitor feel comfortable in the space that I have filled with love. I remember the faces of all those who visit me, although I cannot say the same about their names.

I have even closed an hour later without realizing how much fun I was having.

The fact that we are in a rural setting acts as a filter and I share similar tastes with the clients, natural cosmetics, nature, the countryside, healthy food… to name a few. Shopping often leads to a conversation. We talk about life in the countryside or share experiences or stories. I have even closed an hour later without realising how much fun I was having.

Detail of an antique washbasin and basin prepared for use by customers visiting the shop.

The option we offer our clients compared to hand gel.


I laugh when I remember a few anecdotes, like the one about a client who asked me for “barcode soap,” pointing to the wrinkles on her upper lip. I had never heard the term before. I also remember a guy who had come to know us because he took a detour on a paraglider and landed near the shop, saw our sign and took a gift to soften the anger that his girlfriend was sure to bring him. Or the client who wrote to me from Copenhagen to explain that a dog had followed them on their walk from the shop to Pedraza, the same dog that a neighbour had been looking for the week before. They have given me lots of advice, like planting a rosemary tree to the right of the main door to avoid evil spirits. For some, we are part of their experience of visiting the area, they arrive relaxed and eager to soak up information and I love telling them what they can find in the area and, above all, where they can eat well.

Amelia prepares the soap shop for customers to visit during the reopening in phase 1 of de-escalation.

Setting up the tent with my handmade mask by @tengotela.

While Saturday arrives, I give the usual once-over to the shop, cleaning, arranging and decorating. The vases filled with wild flowers of all colours. The antique washbasin and basin take centre stage in our shop, welcoming visitors with a pleasant hand cleansing with our natural soaps, the option we offer instead of hand gel.

I hope you are all doing well and looking forward to getting out and exploring the wonderful paths that nature has given us these days. I look forward to sharing and creating new memories.


Saturdays from 5pm - 8pm.
Sundays and holidays from 11am - 2pm.
Weekdays: By appointment. Tel: 921 50 64 50, (Due to production, we require an appointment during the week.)

c/ Esperanza 2
Santiuste de Pedraza, La Mata neighborhood
40171 Segovia, Spain


Pedacitos de Mery

Hola Amelia, que ganas tengo de ir a verte a tu preciosa tienda y conocerte en persona.
Ojalá nos veamos pronto. Un besito


¡Me alegra que vuelvas a abrir tu tienda y las personas puedan disfrutar de ese entorno en el que te encuentras , es como un lugar mágico de olores , flores y cosas maravillosas , y buenos consejos ¡ todos con la sabiduría de lo sencillo y de la naturaleza. Te deseo lo mejor un abrazo

María Jesús

Amelia, me alegro mucho de verte preparar la tienda con tanto mimo e ilusión…Un abrazo desde Ponferrada…

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